Show-Me Organics | Taste Your Own Medicine

To prove how safe cannabis is for pain management. We challenged opioid making pharmaceutical companies & their CEOs to put their medicine where their mouth is.

The founders of Show-Me Organics happily took their own product to prove how safe cannabis is. Then they asked big-pharma to take the opioids they push on Americans.

When it came time to deliver our message to big-pharma’s door step we went to a place where they might not expect to see a cannabis brand: LinkedIn

By posting our film and tagging pharmaceutical brands and their CEOs, everyone on the internet could watch, share, and wait to see if opioid makers would rise to the challenge.




“Cannabis Brand Challenges Opioid Makers to Take Their Own Medicine”

— Ad Week


“Small Cannabis Company Dares Opioid Makers To Use The Drugs They Produce”

— Benzinga


“Missouri Cannabis Company Calls Out Big-pharma”

— Greenway Magazine


Group Creative Director: Rob McQueen
Group Creative Director: Nicholas Bauman 
Art Director: Damian Antonio
Copywriter: Courtney Hoenicke
Chief Creative Officers: Danny Gonzalez & David Suarez
Director: Matt Sklar


BMW / Checkmate


GoodGood / Brand Creation